Defense Dept. Lists Catholicism As Example of Religious Extremism

The Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) has confronted the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) over a U.S. Army Reserve training brief that lists Catholicism and “Christian identity” as examples of “religious extremism” alongside groups such as Al Qaeda and the KKK.

soldierAccording to a statement issued by the AMS, they recently became aware of the training brief which lists “Evangelical Christianity” as first on a long list of extremist organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Sunni Muslims and the Nation of Islam. Also included on the list is “Ultra-Orthodox” Judaism, the Army of God, and the Mormon Church.

Extremism is defined as “beliefs attitudes, feelings, actions or strategies of a character far removed from the ‘ordinary’.”

“The Archdiocese is astounded that Catholics were listed alongside groups that are, by their very mission and nature, violent and extremist,” said the AMS in a written statement.

“According to an investigation and reply from the Army Chief of Chaplains office, the training in question appears to have been an isolated incident not condoned by the Department of the Army. The Archdiocese and the Chaplain Alliance explained that the Army can and should take steps to prevent such incidents in the future.”

Regardless of whether the list is “isolated” or not, Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, said the implications of it are quite ominous.

“Evangelical Christianity, Catholicism and ‘Islamophobia’ are forms of ‘Religion Extremism’ on par with al-Qaeda and Hamas? Then how long will it be before the Obama Administration goes to war against them, as it has repeatedly declared that it is at war with al-Qaeda?”

Some might say the Administration is already at war with religions, particularly in its health care policies that seek to compel religious organizations to violate their consciences by providing insurance for practices that violate their beliefs, such as in the controversial “birth control mandate.” In addition, the Department of Homeland Security already considers Christians as examples of “Rightwing Extremism.”

But the AMS is not about to stand for it and are calling upon the DOD to review these materials and ensure “that tax-payer funds are never again used to present blatantly anti-religious material to the men and women in uniform.”

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