Media Blacks Out Coverage of Infanticide in Abortion Industry

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Twenty prominent leaders of the conservative movement have joined Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell in demanding that network news outlets stop censoring coverage of the trial of notorious Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell as well as the Planned Parenthood affiliate from Florida who testified in favor of killing babies who survive botched abortions.

Anyone wondering why the American public continues to buy into the myth of “safe, legal abortion” need only consider the two biggest abortion stories in the news this past week that have received zero coverage by the mainstream media.

The first is the ongoing trial of Kermit Gosnell who operated a filthy abortion clinic in West Philadelphia where babies born alive were killed by having their spinal cords snipped with a scissor. He’s also on trial for the death of a woman who died after being administered a lethal dose of anesthesia in his clinic where unlicensed people – some as young as high school age – are permitted to perform medical services. Witnesses during the trial are testifying to all kinds of horrors, from seeing blood stained tables, bags full of fetal body parts in the freezers, and jars displaying the tiny feet of aborted babies scattered throughout the clinic.

Another news story being deliberately blacked out concerns Alisa LaPolt Snow, a lobbyist with the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood who stood before Florida lawmakers last week who were meeting to debate a bill that would obligate doctors to save the life of a baby born alive after an abortion. When asked what she would recommend to be done in this scenario, Ms. Snow’s answer sent a collective chill down the spines of any American who heard it. “We believe that any decision that’s made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician.”

Alisa Snow

Alisa Snow

As horrifying as these stories are, the American public – and particularly American women – need to understand the true nature of the abortion industry that claims to be defending their “reproductive rights.” This is the same industry that fights tooth-and-nail against precisely the kind of clinic regulations that would have put Kermit Gosnell and his ilk out of the abortion business long before he was able to kill 41 year-old Karnamay Mongar, a refugee from Nepal who couldn’t even read the paperwork she signed at the clinic.

But instead of covering these stories, the heroes of the “war on women” are hiding under their desks, afraid to report the truth for fear it might make abortion look as bad as it is.

This is why, since the Gosnell trial began three weeks ago, ABC, CBS, and NBC have devoted not a single story to coverage of the event. With the exception of CBS, the mainstream media has not covered Gosnell at all since his arrest in 2011.

In addition to this outrageous lapse in their public duty, since Snow’s testimony in favor of post-birth abortions surfaced on March 29, ABC, CBS, and NBC have devoted zero seconds of coverage to the story on either of the morning or evening news shows.

However, all three networks tripped over themselves in their haste to report about the new abortion laws in North Dakota and Arkansas which they ominously describe as being “the most restrictive” in the nation.

In response to this outrage, more than 20 conservative and pro-life leaders have issued a statement condemning the mainstream media for its disgraceful bias.

“The Kermit Gosnell case, in which his abortion clinic has been described as a ‘House of Horrors,’ could have been plucked from the fever dream of Hollywood’s most depraved slasher film writer, and yet ABC, CBS, and NBC have completely censored it out of the news,” the statement reads. “The Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates’ on-the-record position in support of murdering living children is staggering in its radicalism, and yet ABC, CBS, and NBC have completely censored it out of the news.

“But the new pro-life laws in North Dakota and Arkansas? They draw a critical eye from the broadcast networks.

“The horrific excesses of the abortion industry – exemplified by Gosnell and Planned Parenthood – are major, national news stories any way you look at them. But the pro-abortion liberal media are determined to hide them from the public. The media have a solemn duty to the American people to report the news, not just news that helps the positions they support. It’s unprofessional, it’s disgusting, and it’s inhuman. If the pro-life movement were involved in this type of insanity, there would be wall-to-wall coverage from every major news outlet. This cover-up is a national disgrace.”

The mainstream media only seems interested in defending women’s “reproductive rights” when it suits their agenda. When it doesn’t, they could care less.

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