Pope Makes Surprise Phone Call to Fellow Argentines

Thousands of Argentines were camping out in the main square in Buenos Aires yesterday to watch the inauguration of their former Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio as Pope Francis when the crowd received a very unexpected phone call from the Vatican.

The Vatican Information Service is reporting that at 3:32 a.m. Argentina time, the giant speakers located outside the cathedral in the Plaza de Mayo suddenly began to carry the voice of Pope Francis who was calling from Rome.

“Dear sons and daughters, I know you have gathered in the square. I know that you are saying prayers, I need them very much. It is beautiful to pray because we look to heaven and know that we have a good Father who is God,” the pope told them.

The crowd erupted into thunderous applause as the Pope continued: “I want to ask a favor of you. I want to ask for us to walk together, to care for one another, for you to care for each other. Do not cause harm. Protect life. Protect the family; protect nature; protect the young; protect the elderly. Let there not be hatred or fighting. Put aside envy.”

In the city’s slang, he added: “No le saquen el cuero a nadie [literally, “don’t flay or skin anyone alive”, that is, don’t gossip, don’t criticize one another]. Talk with one another so that this desire to protect each other might grow in your hearts. And draw near to God. God is good. He always forgives and understands. Do not be afraid of him. Draw near to him and may the Virgin bless you. May she, as a mother, protect you. Please do not forget this bishop who is far away but who loves you very much. Pray for me!”

“Through the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin, and each of your guardian angels, the glorious patriarch St. Joseph, St. Therese of the Child Jesus, and each of your protector saints, may God All-mighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, bless you,” Francis concluded, imparting the papal blessing to all present before closing the connection.

“We’re so happy to have an Argentine pope, someone full of humility, intelligent, who cares about everyone,” said Mariana O’Connor, 51, to Reuters Television. “I think this will mean a big change in the country, it will transmit peace and harmony, which is what we need in Argentina.”

A priest named Jose Maria Di Paola who works in the slums and is a friend of the Pope, said Frances was very popular among millions of impoverished Argentines.

“Lots and lots of good memories of him and how he accompanied us come to mind,” he said in Plaza de Mayo. “The people in the slums love him, they feel he is one of them.”

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