Tweets to Live By: The Pope’s Twitter Debut

The 795,794 followers of Pope Benedict XVI were delighted to receive their first tweets today, messages that were full of joy and hope.

The first messages sent by the Holy Father, who goes by the handle @pontifex, began at approximately 6:00 a.m. EST.

“Dear Friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter,” said his first message. “Thank you for your general response. I bless all of you from my heart.”

This was followed by another tweet an hour later which read: “How can we celebrate the Year of Faith better in our daily lives?”

The next tweet seemed to answer this question. “By speaking with Jesus in prayer, listening to what he tells you in the Gospel and looking for him in those in need.”

This was followed by, “How can faith in Jesus be lived in a world without hope?”

Finally, the pope tweeted: “We can be certain that a believer is never alone. God is the solid rock upon which we building our lives and his love is always faithful.”

These are truly tweets to live by!

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