Pornography Addiction on the Rise Among Women

With sexually explicit novels such as the 50 Shades of Grey series topping the list of bestselling women’s books, it’s no surprise that pornography addiction is on the rise among women who are being increasingly targeted by professional pornographers.

In an article appearing on the Porn Harms website by Russ Warner, CEO Net Nanny’s ContentWatch, women are typically the target of the soft core pornography market which tends to feature materials based on intimacy and relationships – such as romance novels.

“Today, many women read soft core pornography as an escape and as an extension to their interest in romance novels,” Warner writes. “One such recently popular title Fifty Shades of Grey has made great inroads into this niche. And because of that trend, some women are moving to online pornography from soft core and romance novels.”

It’s a natural progression because books like those in the 50 Shades trilogy tend to glamorize the unhealthy relationships contained within them, making abnormal behavior seem okay, and even romantic. Because these books are considered soft core and therefore “harmless distractions,” women are being unwittingly lured into the world of hardcore pornography and addiction.

“The increase in online pornography aimed at women has shown to increase addiction in women,” Warner writes. “Women now comprise 30% of all online pornography viewers.”

Women are more difficult to treat for this kind of addiction. First, because the stigma is worse for women caught viewing pornography, which sometimes prevents them from getting help. Second, “they tend to view problematic romantic and sexual behavior as a relationship or intimacy problem rather than a sexual issue,” Warner explains. As a result, “many women do not recognize their sexual problems until they seek treatment for drug or alcohol problems.”

Warner lists the five signs of addictive sexual and romantic behaviors in women created by Robert Weiss, the Founding Director of the Sexual Recovery Institute:

1. Consistently using dating, seduction, sexual experiences, or romance as a primary means of feeling loved and valuable.

2. A painful history of short, unsatisfying failed relationships where having sex or only feeling loved during sex is the primary bond.

3. An inability to remain sober from drugs or alcohol addictions related to romantic intrigue, fear of being alone, and related sexual behavior patterns fused with alcohol/drug abuse.

4. Acting out fetish behaviors in secret with casual or anonymous partners, while in a separate primary relationship.

5. Using pornography, self stimulation, or online sexual or romantic connections instead of a meaningful social and recreational life.

“Pornography addiction is real and it is harmful,” Warner writes.

Click here to get a copy of Net Nanny’s internet pornography which they provide free to any addict, or family of an addict.

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One Response to “Pornography Addiction on the Rise Among Women

  1. I am glad that there is an increase in awareness about pornography usage among women. Many women have these problems and do not know there is help available for them because the pornography addiction help websites out there are for men who are viewing it. Even the “family” sections of the porn addiction websites talk about women whose husbands are addicted to pornography, not women who are addicted to pornography themselves. And what about the children who are exposed to pornography at ever younger ages? There needs to be help for them as well.