Thank God! Fame Daddy Sperm Bank is a Hoax

The international media was buzzing last week with a story about a new UK sperm bank named Fame Daddy that planned to offer women a chance to have the child of a famous athlete or movie star. Fortunately, the whole story was a hoax.

The Telegraph is reporting that the story was concocted by a company named 2LE Media as part of a comedy program being produced for a UK television channel.

The whole story started when a British television show called This Morning hosted a man named Dan Richards, who was supposedly the CEO of the Fame Daddy sperm bank. He claimed his service had “scoured the globe” looking for celebrities who “agreed to share their genetic inheritance for the benefit of our clients . . .and mankind.”

Some of his donors included an Oscar-winning actor, a rock star from a multi-platinum band, a former soccer star worth $16 million, and a Formula 1 race driver.

A week later, 2LE Media sent a statement to the Telegraph admitting that the whole thing was a hoax.  “Fame Daddy is not a real organisation,” they said. “In fact it’s entirely made up, and is part of a satirical comedy / entertainment programme that we are producing for Channel 4.”

Even though the spoof was an enormous success, people in the pro-life media are relieved that the story isn’t true.

” Gotta love those Brits lampooning society’s crass commercialization of procreation,” writes Rebecca Taylor of Life News. “I think it says a lot about how society views children that many of us, the British media and myself included, found this credible.”

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