Last Chance to Rally for Religious Freedom Before Election

October 20 is the date set for protests in 140 cities across the U.S. where tens of thousands of Americans will remind the public of the grave infringement of religious freedom occurring under the Obama Administration, particularly in ObamaCare and the HHS mandate.

According to a press release by the organizers of the demonstrations, Stand Up for Religious Freedom Nationwide Rallies, the October 20 rallies are intended to send a clear message to the federal government that the Obama mandate violates the rights of conscience of religious institutions and private employers.

Moreover, the rallies seek to inform the general public that the current attack on religious liberty is a serious election issue that must be considered when voting for candidates Nov. 6th.

The Stand Up for Religious Freedom rallies represent a coalition of 65 religious and civil rights organizations that includes the Alliance Defense Fund, Association of Mature American Citizens, Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, Freedom for Americans, National Black Pro-Life Coalition and the Thomas More Society.

The October 20 rally will take place at 12 noon in all times zones. Cities that will host the rallies include Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Boston, Indianapolis, New Orleans, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, St. Paul, St. Louis, and San Francisco where newly appointed Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is scheduled to speak.  Archbishop Allen Vigneron of Detroit will address that city’s rally—among other Catholic bishops, dozens of leaders from Protestant and Jewish congregations as well as prominent local community leaders.

More than 125,000 citizens, from all walks of faith, attended the first two Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rallies that occurred  on March 23rd and June 8th.  The October 20th rally is expected to also attract thousands of participants who will gather at local federal buildings, court houses, and offices of senators and congressmen.

Nationwide Stand Up Rally organizers Monica Migliorino Miller of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and Eric Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League have released the following statement regarding the goal of the national rally:

“The rally is intended as a clear message to the federal government, that it has no business defining the scope of religious ministry and that faith based institutions and even private businesses affected by the mandate will simply not comply with the government’s unjust intrusion into the affairs of religion and freedom of conscience. As voters prepare for the election everyone should be taking into consideration the current government assault on religious freedom when they choose candidates on Nov. 6th.   Religious freedom simply cannot be taken for granted any more—it’s something for which we must now fight.”

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