Poll: Debate Destroys Obama’s Lead Among Women

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

After last week’s presidential debate, women proved that they intend to vote with more than their reproductive organs as Gov. Romney’s expertise on economic matters impressed women so much it erased the entire 18-point “gender gap” the President has enjoyed throughout the campaign.

Fox News is reporting that a new Pew Research Center survey has found that Gov. Romney’s post-debate surge has eliminated all of Pesident Obama’s double-digit lead among women. In what many are calling a phenomenal reversal in the numbers, Romney pulled even with the president among registered female voters.

In polls surveying likely voters of both genders, Romney also erased an eight-point deficit and now has a four-point lead.

The public declared Gov. Romney as the winner of the debate by 72-20 percent, which is the biggest debate victory in Gallup’s recorded history.

An Obama campaign official tried to downplay the results of the latest Pew poll.

“The state of the race is what it has been, which is a close and competitive race in key states with a slight lean towards the president,” the official said.

But the Pew poll showed the trend lines working in Romney’s favor, at least for now.

The Vice Presidential debate is scheduled for this Thursday evening. The last two presidential debates scheduled for October 16 and 22.

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