Students for Life Take to the Road

The nation’s largest student-led pro-life organization is planning to take to the road during the next 49 days visiting campuses and encouraging young people to make the protection of the unborn a priority when casting their vote in November.

According to an e-mail blast sent out by Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America (SFLA), 12 full-time workers for the organization will soon be climbing into a used van and traveling 1,800 miles to speak to 300,000 potential young voters.

“Our goal is simple,” Hawkins writes. “We want to reach 300,000 voter households before November 6th with the ‘I vote pro-life first’ message to tell them why we believe abortion should be the first issue considered when casting a vote for a candidate.”

According to a poll they conducted in June of 805 18-24 year-olds, young people are evenly split on abortion and are planning to turn out to the polls in large numbers on November 6. Hawkins’ group wants to make sure they put this issue on the top of their list of considerations when they vote.

“If a candidate does not support the basic right to life, we believe they cannot be trusted to handle any other issue, fiscal or social, with honor and dignity,” she said. “We plan to educate voters, recruit volunteers, and urge voters to vote for the candidates that respect life in all its stages.”

The Campus Tour is a way to educate thousands of young voters about abortion and the importance of voting pro-life; registering students  to vote; and recruiting some of the 1,500 volunteers they will need to meet their 300,000 goal.

It’s an ambitious project, but that’s not something this group has ever shied away from. This semester alone, SFLA is starting over 50 new campus groups, visiting 17 medical schools with physicians, launching a new law school lecture series, holding eight regional conferences and preparing for the largest pro-life conference in the nation this January.

“Yet, we have taken on this project – I Vote Pro-Life First – because we know that more must be done,” Hawkins says.

The I Vote Pro-Life First initiative is a coalition effort with other national pro-life organizations such as RNC for Life, Live Action, The Justice Foundation, Pro-Life Nation, Rock for Life, I Am Whole Life, The Frederick Douglass Foundation,,,, Pro-Life Action League, California Civil Rights Foundation, and Created Equal.

SFLA is asking supporters to sponsor a mile on the tour. For just $15 per mile, the group is hoping to raise the $27,030 needed to cover the group’s expenses – which means they need 1,802 people to commit to a mile.

“Sponsor a mile for you, your spouse, and your children,” Hawkins says. “Sponsor a mile so your voice will be heard.”

Click here to help SFLA complete this important project!

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