Autopsy of Abortion Victim Reveals Gross Negligence by Planned Parenthood

A national pro-life organization has received a copy of the autopsy performed on a 24 year-old victim of a botched abortion in a Chicago Planned Parenthood which reveals that although her injuries were extensive, they were survivable had she received prompt emergency care.

Operation Rescue is reporting that the autopsy on Tonya Reaves, who died during a second trimester abortion on July 20 of this year, determined her cause of death to be “due to hemorrhage resulting from cervical dilation and evacuation due to an intrauterine pregnancy.”

This means that Reaves bled to death as a result of a bungled D&E abortion.

The report noted:

* Reaves was approximately 16 weeks pregnant at the time of her abortion, well into the second trimester.

* She suffered from an incomplete abortion. The Medical Examiner discovered pieces of placenta still attached to the inside of her womb even after a second abortion done by the hospital to remove fetal remains left by Planned Parenthood.

* She suffered a 3/16 inch uterine perforation near forcep impression marks.

* She suffered an “extensive” perforation of her broad uterine ligament with a possible severing of her left uterine artery as a result of her abortion. This accounted for the internal bleeding that was discovered only too late by the hospital trauma team.

* In a vain attempt to save her life, the hospital trauma team performed an emergency hysterectomy on Reaves.

“As bungled as this abortion was, we believe Tonya Reaves could have survived her injuries if she had gotten immediate emergency care and if Planned Parenthood had shared medical information with the hospital related to her incomplete abortion and uterine perforation,” said Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue.

“Instead, Planned Parenthood delayed for hours then left the trauma team in the dark to solve the puzzle of Tonya’s injuries while her life ebbed away.”

According to information received through the Freedom of Information Act, the abortion was performed on Tonya at the Loop Health Center Planned Parenthood in Chicago at 11:00 a.m.; however, she was not transported to a local hospital until 4:30 p.m.

Newman believes criminal charges are applicable in this case and is calling for a criminal investigation into the death of Tonya Reaves.

“Planned Parenthood killed her, now they must be brought to justice in a court of law.”

Reaves’ family has filed suit against Planned Parenthood of Illinois alleging that Tonya died during a second trimester abortion as a result of negligence. They are suing for $120,000, and money to compensate Tonya’s one year-old son Alvin.

According to LifeSiteNews, Reaves’ mother, Dorsey Johns, is alleging that Planned Parenthood “carelessly performed” the abortion on her daughter, then failed to properly monitor her afterwards. Reaves was left to bleed for five-and-a-half hours before the clinic transferred her by ambulance to Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Because the clinic provided little information to the hospital staff, it took even longer for them to determine that the source of the bleed was a perforated uterus. Instead, they initially treated her for an incomplete abortion until further tests revealed the perforation.

Planned Parenthood has expressed its sympathy to the Reaves family but is withholding any further comment on the case.

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