Red Envelope Campaign a Huge Success

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer

A mail room worker at the White House has confirmed receipt of a “deluge” of more than 2.25 million red envelopes symbolizing lives snuffed out by abortion. (WND) reports that a worker named “Steve,” who has handled mail for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for 35 years said the sea of red envelopes they have received represents one of the largest mail movements he’s ever seen.

“I’ve been here 35 years, so I’ve seen presidents come and go,” Steve told WND. “This campaign ranks up there with the big ones.”

Steve said while Obama was in Europe, his administration received millions of red envelopes on behalf of aborted children.

“Quite frankly, there was definitely a deluge of mail coming through,” he laughed. “I had to handle them all.”

The Red Envelope Project was founded by a Massachusetts man named Chris Otto who wanted to send the White House a visual expression of the moral outrage people are feeling over the president’s radical position on abortion. On the back of the envelope, he composed the message: “This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world. Responsibility begins with conception.”

Otto originally began the project by sending an e-mail to friends asking them to join him in the envelope effort. The message caught on and quickly spread across the Internet resulting in the delivery of more than 2.25 million red envelopes by March 31.

“Last Tuesday 2.25 million were sent all together,” Otto told WND. “There were 1 million sent before that date. I keep getting e-mails, and I know that people are still sending them. This past weekend, there were at least 10,000 more sent just from churches announcing it on Sunday.”

In addition, 11 different student groups at the University of Notre Dame are planning to hand-deliver a stack of red envelopes to the president when he arrives on campus to give the commencement address in May.

Otto said he does not expect any response from the White House.

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