Al Smith Dinner Controversy Takes a New Turn

The controversy over President Obama’s invitation to speak at a Catholic Charities fundraiser in October took a new turn yesterday when an employee of the Archdiocese weighed in with a more detailed explanation of the even in question.

Gov. Alfred E. Smith

Edward Mechmann, who works with the New York Archdiocesan Family Life/Respect Life Office on public policy issues and serves as Director of the Safe Environment Program, posted a blog in which he asks people to “take a deep breath, relax a second, and think carefully about” Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s invitation to the president to speak at the upcoming Al Smith Dinner. 

“The Al Smith Dinner is organized and hosted by the Alfred E. Smith Foundation, which is closely affiliated with but independent of the Archdiocese of New York,” he explained. 

“The dinner is not a religious event in any way — it’s a civic/political event that raises money for Catholic charitable institutions.  It’s not held at a religious building — it’s at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.  It has no religious component aside from a benediction and closing prayer — much like sessions of Congress.  A large proportion of the people who attend the Dinner are not Catholic, and the list of past speakers shows that only once in its almost 70-year history has a religious figure given the keynote address (Cardinal O’Connor).”

In addition, the dinner has a long tradition of inviting elected officials of all parties, particularly candidates who are running for the Presidency.

“It is strictly non-partisan, and an invitation to the dinner is in no way an endorsement of any office holder, or any candidate for office,” Mechmann writes.

“Some people have been saying that inviting the President in some way undermines or contradicts the Church’s public witness in defense of life and the family. There is no question that the President’s political agenda and policy record are deplorable from a Catholic perspective — he is consistently anti-life and is ardent in his promotion and support of abortion, he is in favor of re-defining marriage, he opposes parental choice in education, his Administration is a consistent enemy of religious freedom, and there is good reason to believe that he has dealt with our bishops in less than good faith.

“Given the consistency and strength with which our bishops — particularly Cardinal Dolan — have been proclaiming the Catholic view of public policy, it is hard to see how this one Dinner could possibly lead anyone to believe that the Church is softening her defense of life, the family, and religious liberty.”

He goes on to say that inviting the president sends an important message during a time of “pathologically toxic politics.”

First, it allows members of the Church to act like Christians and treat an adversary with respect and civility. “After all, even St. Peter told us to ‘honor the emperor’ (1 Pet 2:17),” he writes.

Second, it gives us the opportunity to “set aside our deeply-held differences and leave the partisan politics at the door for an evening, speak nicely and politely to each other, and work together for a common cause in the service of the poor.”

He adds: “That’s a good thing, something that Al Smith would have been proud to associate himself with, and something that Catholics and pro-lifers should also support.”

Mechmann says these comments are his own and should not be construed as an official statement from the Archdiocese.

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7 Response to “Al Smith Dinner Controversy Takes a New Turn

  1. So why did two predecessors of Cardinal Dolan exercise good judgment in excluding inappropriate speakers?

    Mr. Mechmann, with all due respect, your rationalizations are only worsening the pain – and the betrayal.

  2. He goes on to say that inviting the president sends an important message during a time of “pathologically toxic politics.”
    1.) Way to sow confusion in American Catholics and SCANDALIZE ALL OF US
    2.) It’s “toxic” in politics because one party insists on the KILLING OF BABIES

  3. What a cowardly splitting of hairs to say a fundraiser on behalf of a Catholic organization is no way religious. Of course it’s religious. The money goes to Catholic charities. But to act like somehow we have to be “non-partisan” when this fundraiser has opted in the past to not invite Pres. Clinton and others is hogwash. Be honest and say you don’t have a spine to take a stand but don’t hide behind so-called separation of religion and state (or that we can bridge toxic politics). Many of those toxic politics have been directed at lay people by this adminsitration. I am among many who is ashamed to see Church-related groups pander and play nice with this administration.

  4. all of the above is duly noted, and makes sense, if we lived in a world where people were reasonable and logical. However, very often it seems to me that that is not the world we live in. In a time where it seems that X amount of the Catholic population doesnt seem to truly undertand that the life issues should get #1 priority in voting both local/sate/and federal, I cannot help but think that this will cause some confusion in the flock, and allow some to justify there vote for Obama. However unreasonable that may be. During my life I have seen this sort of hing happen again and again. I am not sure what the solution is except for the church to loudly announce that a Catholic cannot in good faith elect a politician who supports abortion when there is a pro-life alternative available. This message really needs to get across to people, and even with some practicing Catholics, it doesnt sink in. Peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ to you

  5. There is no good reason for Cardinal Dolan to have done this. It is literally scandalous! Please let us speak with one voice Cardinl Dolan please!! Disinvite Obama to this event and let all of us know you have heard our shock and dismay and reassure us of your commitment to what you have already said about what this president and his administration are trying to do to us and our Church!

  6. Yes, I agree this is going to send a confusing message to Catholics…..without a doubt because I’m confused and also disappointed. I feel a speaker with more traditonal values which reflect our Catholic faith should have been chosen. President Obama is not my role model.

  7. After all that is said and done this will harm the cause of not reflecting an anti life, anti family manipulator of lies. Did we not learn our lesson with Notre Dame. Did not Our Lord say “be wise as serpents and gentle as lambs?”