Church Leaders Criticize HHS for Creating “Two Class” Religious System

Religious leaders from across all denominations signed onto a letter addressed to the Secretary of the Department Health and Human Services (HHS) expressing concern over the department’s creation of a “two-class concept of religious organizations” in its birth control mandate that affords unequal religious freedom protections to faith-based organizations.

The Christian Post is reporting that the letter, signed by 149 religious leaders and address to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, says new federal law has created two classes of religious organizations: churches, which are considered inwardly focused and thus qualify for the exemption and full protection from the mandate; and faith-based service organizations such as schools and hospitals that are outwardly oriented and are given a lesser degree of protection.

“This two-class scheme protects those religious organizations focused on activities directed inward to a worship community while offering little religious freedom protection to the many religious organizations that engage in service directed outward,” the letter states.

“The scheme honors acts of worship while burdening those whose faith leads them to service in our common life. Among its many troublesome aspects, the scheme moves us further toward an unconstitutional, unhistorical, and unhealthy naked public square.”

The signers, which include both Catholics and Protestants, go on to express additional concerns that this narrow definition of “religious employer” has now been inserted into federal law.  ” . . .(T)he narrow definition of religious employer and the narrow scope of the exemption have been inserted, despite widespread protest, into actual federal law. We note, as well, that the administration itself has justified the narrow exemption by its use in the insurance rules of several states. The presence of the narrow exemption in federal regulations can only make it more likely to be used in additional federal policies . . . ”

While the signers admit that they are not all in agreement about the mandate and the “accommodation” offered by President Barack Obama on February 10, they do agree “about the inappropriateness of the two-class religion scheme — an issue that has not been addressed by Obama’s accommodation or the HHS Department.”

The signers conclude: “Secretary Sebelius, we believe that there is one adequate remedy: eliminate the two-class scheme of religious organization in the preventive services regulations. Extend to faith-based service organizations the same exemption that the regulations currently limit to churches.”

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9 Response to “Church Leaders Criticize HHS for Creating “Two Class” Religious System

  1. The HHS Mandate and other actions by the Federal Government remind me of the nightmarish novel Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand, with its infamous battle cry, “Who is John Gault.”

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