Mother Risks Life for Unborn Baby

A 21 year-old Catholic woman in the UK who was diagnosed with lung cancer during her fifth month of pregnancy and who refused to have the recommended abortion, gave birth to a healthy baby and is now cancer free. 

The Daily Mail is reporting on the story of Daniella Jackson, who was in her second trimester when she began to having breathing problems. While on a camping trip with the father of her baby, she became ill and was taken to a nearby hospital. Doctors at first thought she had a blood clot but a CT scan revealed a four centimeter tumor in her lung.

Doctors immediately recommended an abortion so they could begin to treat her, but she refused.

“Abortion is not part of my belief as a Catholic,” Daniella told the Mail. “Religion was part of my decision. I wanted to fight for my baby.”

At that point in the pregnancy, she already felt too bonded to the child. “I felt such a close bond with her, I couldn’t let her go.”

The next few months were difficult for her. “I felt like a ticking timebomb. I had nightmares about dying in labour. It was a bad time, my head was all over the place. I just shut down and tried to get through as best as I could.”

As her due date drew near, she was having daily asthma attacks, but was able to carry her child nearly to term.

Baby Rennae was delivered four weeks early, weighing a healthy six pounds, three ounces.  

Four weeks later, she received the life-saving operation that removed the tumor along with half of her lung, and is now cancer-free.

“I’m just so thankful I have a future with my children and I’m surviving.”

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Photo of Danielle and Rennae by Caters

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