Homosexual Assaults On the Rise in U.S. Military

A new analysis from the Center for Military Readiness indicates that repeal of the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT) policy may have resulted in an increase in the number of sexual assaults involving homosexuals in the U.S. armed services.

World Net Daily is reporting that statistics for fiscal year 2011 indicate that homosexual misbehavior in the military is on the rise. Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, analyzed the military’s latest assessment of sexual assaults as well as the army’s Gold Book and found disturbing new trends in male-on-male sexual assaults since Congress repealed the policy prohibiting homosexuals to serve openly in the military in December, 2010.

For instance, since 2006, only five percent of the violent sexual assaults committed annually in the military were against men, but new reports show that number is now at 12 to 14 percent.

The Army said it is “currently monitoring same-gender sex crime for a potential increase in forcible sodomy and other sex offenses related to the disassociation of homosexuality from the crime itself.”

In one military report, non-consensual sodomy attacks for fiscal 2011 totaled seven percent of the nearly 2,500 attacks cited. Another report put the number at nine percent.

Donnelly told WND that researchers specifically announced plans to track numbers to monitor the increase, since “this category of homosexual conduct no longer is illegal.”

Even though it’s way too soon to draw any conclusions, Donnelly says the “numbers have gone way up.”

Sexual assault in general remains a serious problem in the military. Since 2007, there has been an increase of 22 percent in the number of sexual assaults reported in all branches. Violent attacks and rapes in the army increased from 663 in 2006 to 1,313 in 2011, with the rate continuing to accelerate.

“Both the Army ‘Gold Book’ released in January and the Defense Department SAPRO report released last Friday hid the bad news in plain sight,” Donnelly told WND. “Instead of reconsidering social policies known to increase disturbing disciplinary problems, the Pentagon is pressing ahead with costly, time-wasting programs that are not working.”

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