Is it Dangerous to Push Yoga on Catholic Parishioners?

LG asks: “Our church sponsors Yoga classes for women ages 14 and up. I have pointed out to our priest and DRE that yoga is more than stretching and exercise but also leads into certain meditations and sometimes ‘prayer’ and asked them to reconsider the decision to do this. It has been offered for about a year and they are now recommending the book Prayer of the Heart and Body by Thomas Ryan. Do you know anything about this book? Does it refer to prayer, spirituality or any other type of meditation that would be similar?”

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Nefarious Movie Opens to Rave Reviews

The newly released movie, Nefarious, is a supernatural thriller that exposes Satan’s strategies in shocking detail and is being hailed by exorcists as “the best movie portraying demonic possession ever produced.”

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Catholics and The Wellness Industry

What should a Catholic do when they encounter a wellness organization that presents itself as Catholic and yet promotes Eastern meditation techniques, naturopathy, homeopathy, and other New Age modalities? Can a Catholic healthcare provider really have it both ways?

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