Planned Parenthood Rolls Out “RV Abortions”

In spite of a record 500 percent increase in the number of complications related to chemical abortion drugs, Planned Parenthood is planning to open a mobile abortion clinic in southern Illinois where they will dispense abortion pills to women out of a roaming RV where no follow up care is provided.

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The Transitus of Saint Francis of Assisi: Prelude to Heavenly Glory

by Theresa Cavicchio

The comprehensive Omnibus entitled St. Francis of Assisi: Writings and Early Biographies, published in 1973, is introduced with a statement which rings true still today, close to fifty years later: “There is something paradoxical about the fact that the Little Poor Man of Assisi, who sought only obscurity, should have become so widely known and universally loved as he is today.”

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Just Because it Sounds Holy Doesn’t Mean it Is

quackC5 writes: “I listen to Catholic Radio and have heard that partaking in acupuncture and other alternative therapies.  I have been to a natural healing center and the practitioner uses muscle testing which she says uses acupuncture ideas about energy flow in my body. That our bodies can let us know what part of our body is being challenged and what it needs to get back into balance. She uses her technique as an assessment tool not as treatment. If what she says is true then it would have to be of our God because it is amazing and miraculous. What is ‘bad’ about this?”

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