Sue from Pennsylvania asks about the use of hypnotherapy to treat anxiety disorders.
Monthly Archives: May 2020
Feeling Fearful? Mary Has Been There!
It’s probably safe to say that many Americans have been experiencing trouble sleeping in recent weeks, given the unprecedented circumstances we’ve been facing for quite some time. For anyone waking suddenly out of a deep sleep, a sensation of fear – that powerful emotion so very prominent in our national consciousness of late – would not be at all unusual.
Spiritual Motherhood: Spiritual battle
May 26
“Women must restore to political and professional life the emphasis on the spiritual, an emphasis so sadly lacking; we rely on them to help with the spiritual battle against the evils of secularism.”
-Richard Cardinal Cushing
Today’s Reflection:
Note the use of the word “must.” To what extent does this motivate a deeper understanding of your personal mission in this our day and time. How can you begin to work to restore an emphasis on the things of God in your sphere of influence? What one step can you take today?
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Spiritual Motherhood: Readiness to give
If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith.
Spiritual Motherhood: Battle between darkness and light
If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith.
Spiritual Motherhood: Fiery tongues
If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith.
Spiritual Motherhood: The Immaculata must conquer the whole world
If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith.
Beware of So-Called “Church Approved” Coronavirus Prevention
Spiritual Motherhood: The bosom of her mercy
May 21
“Mary became all to all; to all she offers the bosom of her mercy, that all may receive of it: the slave, his redemption, the infirm, health; the afflicted, comfort; the sinner, pardon; and God, glory – that there should be no one who would not feel her warmth and great affection.”
-St. Bernardine of Siena
Today’s Reflection
What do you think it means that Mary “became all to all?” Ponder the phrase “bosom of her mercy.” What images or sentiments does it provoke within you? Why do you think St. Bernardine of Siena uses this descriptive of Mary’s love? According to the descriptions given here, which most describes the way in which Mary has offered you “the bosom of her mercy?” To whom can we offer the “bosom” of our mercy today – slave, infirm, afflicted, sinner, God? How?
If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith.
Spiritual Motherhood: Hope for far greater graces
May 20
“Thou, O Lady, teaches us to hope for far greater graces than we deserve, since thou never ceases to dispense graces far, far beyond our merits.”
-St. Idelbert
Today’s Reflection
One adage about mercy states that “Mercy is not getting what we deserve. Grace is getting what we don’t deserve.” Consider this in light of the above quote and your novena petition. How does the favor you received from God through Our Lady’s intercession increase your hope? Recall another instance or period of time when you received mercy and grace according to this definition. How were graces dispensed far beyond your merits?
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