Bishop Robert Fisher, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Detroit, will hold a funeral mass and solemn burial for the remains of 15 aborted babies whose bodies were found in 2015 in the trunk of a Michigan abortionist.
Monthly Archives: October 2018
An Exorcist Looks at Halloween
With Halloween becoming darker and more demonic by the year, many parents are worried about allowing their children to participate in this event, but a Vatican trained exorcist says we need to remember that Halloween is a Christian holiday! Read the rest…
With Each Hail Mary

But lilies, my favorite flowers
I am placing at Thy feet.
A rose for Thy crown so bright,
Please don’t forget the lilies,
The lilies so pure and white.
And understanding rare,
And send a blessing from above
In answer to my prayer.
If more people came to Thee,
With their trials and sorrows
And said their Rosary.
Their load much lighter grow,
And in humility, kiss the cross
In peace, would onward go.
“Scary Movies” Inspire Middle Schoolers to Attempt Murder
Anyone wondering if “scary movies” might be a bad idea for children need only read the latest news out of central Florida involving two middle-school girls who claim the movies inspired them to come to school armed with knives in a plot to kill classmates, cut them up, drink their blood, and then kill themselves so they can be with Satan.
Rediscovering the Rosary

Deliverance from Sin

Feds Order All Catholic Dioceses to Preserve Records
In an unprecedented moment in the history of the abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, the U.S. Department of Justice has asked the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to preserve all electronic and paper documents in the event that federal prosecutors may need to look into sexual assault claims against current and former church leaders.
US Bishops Mourn Those Slain in Synagogue
The Holy Family