Pass it On

SMB: “Can you please tell me what scapulars have been approved by the Church?”
This article was originally published at Grace Filled Mind. It is reprinted below in its original format.
Life has a way of hiding the journey ahead for fear that if we knew the future, we would find a reason not to get out of bed. I like to think that a ministering angel is sent by God to cover my eyes so that I do not see too far ahead. If I did, I am afraid that I would be paralyzed with panic and fear. I have found that some crosses in this life seem just too heavy to bear. These crosses have left a scar on my shoulder that never fades. That is the way it was with the birth of our miracle baby, Zachary Luke John.
The following is a deeply personal statement written by a pastor in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and posted in the bulletin in order to give guidance to his troubled flock. In this poignant bearing of his heart, he not only gives us all good advice about how to find a way forward, but adds a new perspective to the scandal that has shaken our Church to its core.
AH asks: “I have a question that keeps coming up in conversations with my friends and I would like to answer them correctly. What is the Authoritative Catholic explanation of what the Magi used when reading the stars? Was it astrology or astronomy? How do we as Catholics defend the teaching of Christ on not to use Astrology if the magi did.”