Walking Close to Christ

July 20

July 20

We always find that those who walked closest to Christ, our Lord, were those who had to bear the greatest trials.

                                                                                   – St. Teresa of Avila Read the rest…

Devil: Every Hail Mary of Rosary is a Blow to My Head

rosary in handIn his book, The Last Exorcist, the late Father Gabriele Amorth records an entire conversation with the devil in which he explains to the priest why he is so angry at the Blessed Mother and what impact the Rosary has upon him.

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Nigerian Woman Takes on Melinda Gates

obianuju ekeochaCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The announcement that the Gates Foundation is contributing $375 million for family planning efforts in Africa has sparked the ire of a Nigerian pro-life leader who is irked by the idea of a billionaire telling African women what to do with their bodies.

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Doing Good to Our Neighbor

July 19

July 19

From our neighbor are life and death. If we do good to our neighbor, we do good to God; if we cause our neighbor to stumble, we sin against Christ.

                                                                                    -St. Anthony the Great Read the rest…

Crushing the Glory of the World

July 18

July 18

We crush the head of the serpent when we scorn and trample underfoot the glory of the world, the praises and vanities and all the other pomps of pride.”

                                                            -St. Marie of the Incarnation Read the rest…

Court Appoints Euthanasia Lawyer to Charlie Gard Case

Victor Butler-Cole (www.familylaw.co.uk)

Victor Butler-Cole (www.familylaw.co.uk)

The parents of Charlie Gard, the 11 month-old baby who is dying of a mitochondrial disease in a London hospital, were horrified to learn that the court appointed lawyer who has been representing their son in court is the chairman of the pro-euthanasia group, Compassion in Dying. Read the rest…

Nurse: Patients Must be Fully Informed About Reiki/CAM Therapies

reiki 2A Catholic nurse is campaigning to encourage hospitals to provide full disclosure to patients about alternative therapies, particularly practices such as Reiki which have spiritual aspects, by utilizing a spiritual consent form designed to inform patients of possible spiritual conflicts and protect institutions from potential legal liability.

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Satanic Monument Causes Uproar in Minnesota

(Belle Plaine Vet's Club Facebook page)

(Belle Plaine Vet’s Club Facebook page)

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

A new holy war has erupted in the small Minnesota town of Belle Plaine after The Satanic Temple was given permission to display a satanic monument in the “free speech” zone of a veteran’s memorial park; however, local Catholics are raising a good question – is it really in the public’s best interest to promote Satan?

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