Teen Delivers Powerful Smack-Down to Teen Vogue

autumnA 16 year-old girl has recorded a powerful rebuttal to Teen Vogue’s article about gift suggestions for post-abortive teens, mocking their recommendations as “creepy gag gifts” and making much more realistic suggestions to girls who are experiencing the trauma of abortion.

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In serenity

February 21

February 21

Feast of St. Peter Damien, Bishop and Doctor (1007 – 1072)

In serenity, look forward to the joy that follows sadness.  Hope leads you to that joy and love enkindles your zeal.

                                                                                    –St. Peter Damien Read the rest…

The Devil and Your Intentions

14808680 - fortune teller with her crystal ballIt’s a well-established fact that most people who get involved in the New Age – which includes many practices founded in the occult – are “dabblers.” They’re just poking around in this or that, looking for a spiritual high, a “connection” to the universe, an escape from reality, a cure for what ails them.

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You will not be overcome

February 20

February 20

He did not say: You will not be troubled; you will not be tempted; you will not be distressed. But He said: You will not be overcome.

                                                                         –St. Julian of Norwich Read the rest…