Dru Yoga Honors Dhruva

Mansukh Patel

Mansukh Patel

VMG writes: “A young woman in my parish is a Dru Yoga teacher and has put up posters and leaflets in the Church advertising her classes. I spoke to the Parish Priest who said he didn’t see anything wrong with it – it is just exercise. Can you tell me if it is ok for Catholics to take part in this particular form of yoga?”

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Study: Children Enjoy Gender-Specific Toys at 9 Months!

34806678 - funny kids playing educational toys isolatedCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

A recent study has found that babies as young as nine months prefer toys from slime that correspond to their biological sex, which is much too early to rule out the fact that biology must be playing a significant role in how boys and girls develop.

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