Archdiocese of St. Louis Says Goodbye to Girl Scouts

Archbishop Robert J. Carlson

Archbishop Robert J. Carlson

Archbishop Robert J. Carlson of the Archdiocese of St. Louis has directed priests in St. Louis to cut all ties with the Girl Scouts over continuing concerns with their promotion of contraception and “abortion rights”, their affiliation with organizations that are in conflict with Catholic beliefs, their position on transgender and homosexual youth, and their promotion of female role models who do not reflect Catholic values.

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Vatican Clarifies Pope’s Remarks on Zika and Contraception

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

18955836_sA Vatican spokesman has clarified that Pope Francis was speaking about the possible use of contraception to avoid pregnancy during the Zika outbreak, but was only saying that it could be possible “in particular cases of emergency or gravity and could be the object of discernment in a serious case of conscience.”

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