Missouri Releases Report on Planned Parenthood Investigation

missouri seal

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Lack of cooperation by Planned Parenthood officials has resulted in an incomplete report on the investigation of the handling of fetal body parts in the state of Missouri, but lawmakers plan to introduce four new laws that will make life even more difficult than it already is in the state of Missouri for the nation’s largest abortion provider.

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Unveiling Trumped-Up Charges Against Daleiden

Harris County DACommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The appalling announcement earlier this week that a Grand Jury in Texas indicted David Daleiden, the videographer who caught Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby parts, while totally exonerating the abortion giant, left many of us “smelling a rat” – and for good reason. Lawyers are uncovering a shocking backstory that could (or should) cost the Harris County DA her job.

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