Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
In spite of the wild speculation coming out of pro-abortion groups in the U.S., police are not saying what motivated a 57 year-old loner to gun down three people inside a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado.
Reports of a bleeding host at a parish in the Diocese of Salt Lake City, Utah have prompted an investigation by the diocese.
HL writes: “My neighbor recently gave me a bottle of this juice called Noni. It’s apparently this Tahitian fruit juice, which is distributed by a company called Morinda, that is supposed to have all sorts of healing effects. My neighbor claims that it has helped with all sorts of pain that she experiences, however she pays $40 per bottle for this stuff, which is quite a bit in my book. Not sure if this is a scam or the real deal. Any thoughts?”
“As the Lord was walking by the Sea of Read the rest…
“I guess that is what dying must be like; Read the rest…
“Stir up our hearts, O Lord, to prepare the Read the rest…
“The duty of the moment is what you
Read the rest…
“Our Lord who saved the world through the Read the rest…