Fellow Physicians Want Dr. Oz to Resign

dr oz 2The country’s best known doctor and New Age guru, Dr. Mehmet Oz, may be in a battle for his professional life as a group of doctors pressure Columbia University Hospital to remove him from his prestigious position because of his endorsement of “quack treatments and cures in the interest of financial gain.”

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Faithful Sisters Protest Day of Silence

marin catholicCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

A Catholic high school in the troubled Archdiocese of San Francisco is the scene of a new uproar after a group of faithful Dominican Sisters walked out of their classrooms last Friday to protest the national Day of Silence which is orchestrated by an organization that promotes homosexuality among school students.

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Concerns About “Spirit Animals” Series

spirit animalsLR writes: “Our 10 yr old grand daughter attends Catholic school and apparently the series Spirit Animal has been available for the students to peruse. She has purchased and is reading one of these books. Personally I feel she could be reading much more edifying literature and have expressed this to her parent. Can these books and games be dangerous and is there more I can or should do?”

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