Missionaries of Divine Mercy Buy Gay Bar

texas barThe Texas Bar, located on the seafront in the French Mediterranean town of Toulon and right next door to a Catholic church, was long known as a gathering place for homosexuals – but that all changed when the establishment went up for sale and the Missionaries of Divine Mercy decided to buy it.

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Press Distorts Pope’s Words . . . Again

Large family at an animal parkCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Pope Francis was reportedly surprised to learn that his comments regarding responsible parenthood were so badly misunderstood by the mainstream media who used them as way to further their narrative that we have a progressive Pope who is gunning to rewrite Church teaching on social issues.

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Women of Grace Comes to Folsom, Louisiana!

folsom group 2014.

Pictured from left to right: Dr. Theresa Wilfert, Vickie Adams, Regional Coordinator Brenda Dooley, Facilitator Karen Brown, and Pam Billiot

Karen Brown has been Catholic Charismatic Renewal of New Orleans (CCRNO) retreat devotee for 20 years. Karen answered the “call” to become a Women of Grace Facilitator at the 2014 CCRNO Retreat.  She recalls, “I desired to do more to share what I had experienced in my life through the Holy Spirit.”   Karen’s desire and her heartfelt “yes” has certainly born the fruit of that response. The Women of Grace in attendance at this year’s CCRNO Retreat definitely agree as do all the participants from St. John’s Parish. We are grateful for the faith-filled support and encouragement of Father Robert Cavalier, Pastor of St. John the Baptist’s Parish  whose support is indispensable! Read the rest…