More than one million Nigerian women have been called to march in procession through the streets of the federal capital of Abuja to demand the release of 234 female students who were kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists a few weeks ago.
Monthly Archives: April 2014
Report: U.S. Sex Ed Programs Riddled with Ideology
Can I Wear an Aztec Calendar Bracelet?
Feast of St. Pius V, Pope
On Praying the Rosary
“… seeing that the Church militant, which God has placed in our hands, Read the rest…
Victim of Yasmin Birth Control Pills Wins $14 Million
Mom’s Defense of Son with Down Syndrome Goes Viral
Pope Paul VI Beatification is Imminent
Feast of St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor (1347 – 1380)
“You asked for suffering…You were, in effect, asking Read the rest…