The Vatican press office has released a formal account of the last moments in the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI who vacated the See of Peter at 8:00 p.m. Rome time today.
Monthly Archives: February 2013
Holy Father Says Farewell
Benedict XVI celebrated his last general audience in St. Peter’s Square yesterday and delivered a moving and very personal message to the faithful around the world.
Creative Ways to Participate in the Conclave
Leave it to the ingenuity of the faithful to come up with fun ways to participate in the upcoming Conclave and selection of a Pope. New ideas range from adopting a Cardinal to playing “Fantasy Conclave” in which participants try to guess who the next pope will be.
Ahh! Sweet Peace
”Silence is not a privation of stillness, Read the rest…
Praying for Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI
As we close in on the final hours of his pontificate, please join us in offering prayers for Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, who has been such a tremendous gift to the Church and to the world. We love you Holy Father, and no matter where you are our hearts will be with you! Read the rest…
Parents Shocked to See Teens in Burqas on Facebook
A parent in Lumberton, Texas was shocked when she discovered a photo of her 14 year-old daughter on Facebook wearing a burqa while at school.
Unborn Apes Enjoy More Protection in Spain than Humans
A pro-life group in Spain dressed up as apes and took to the streets to pressure Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy into fulfilling a campaign promise to extend the same protection to humans that he recently gave to apes when he signed a law protecting apes from the moment of conception.
Pope Benedict Will Be Called Pope Emeritus
Details are emerging about the status of Pope Benedict XVI after his retirement, such as how he will be addressed and what manner of dress he will assume.
Mirky Waters
“The love of talk distracts all the powers of our soul from God, Read the rest…
New Effort Aims to Get More Christians Into the Voting Booth
With the 2014 election season about to begin, the American Renewal Project is launching a new effort to get more Christians into the voting booth.