Let Me, To My Latest Breath

Let me, to my latest breath,
In my body bear the death
Of your dying Son divine.

For Reflection:             

To die with Christ and be risen in Him is the quest of every holy soul. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the greatest aids in making this holy desire our final reality. It helps us advance in virtue, grow in self-knowledge, attain true humility, uproot bad habits, prevent spiritual negligence, combat apathy, purify our conscience, strengthen our will, receive spiritual direction, and acquire the grace of the Sacrament itself (Mystici Corporis).

Of the benefits of the Sacrament listed above, which do I most need? Which would others tell me I most need? Journal your insights.

Getting Connected! Women of Grace to Launch Virtual Study Pilot Program

All women deserve to hear the good news about authentic femininity and God’s plan for their life, even those who live in far-away places or whose schedules are just too busy for weekly meetings. Thanks to the women who visit GracePlace, the popular social network of Women of Grace®, a new way has been developed to make the Women of Grace® Foundational Study available to any woman – anywhere in the world – who has access to a phone and a computer.

Read the rest…

Listen To My Fond Request

Virgin of all virgins blest!
Listen to my fond request:
Let me share your grief divine.

For Reflection:             

To enter more deeply into the hearts of Jesus and Mary and to experience the treasury of grace that is found there we must stay united to Christ. Father Faber outlines three ways we can fall away from Jesus and put ourselves in spiritual peril: 1) by breaking away from Him through sin; 2) by letting the attractions of the world become greater than attraction to Him; 3) by slowly distancing ourselves from Him by imperceptible degrees.  

Make a serious examination of conscience according to these three perils. Make a good Act of Contrition and then avail yourself of the Sacrament of Reconciliation as soon as you can.