The Rosary

“The immense good which this noble devotion (the Rosary) has done to the world is well known. How many, by its means, have been delivered from sin! How many led to live a holy life! How many to a good death, and are now saved!”
St. Alphonsus Liguori

For Reflection:
Do I know anyone who needs to be delivered from serious sin? Who is living a life lacking in holiness? Who is now confronting his or her death? Today, I will use the weapon of the Rosary to fight for them through my prayers.

The Rosary

“The family that recites the Rosary together reproduces something of the atmosphere of the household of Nazareth: its members place Jesus at the center; they share his joys and sorrows; they place their needs and their plans in his hands; they draw from him the hope and strength to go on.”
Pope John Paul II

For Reflection:
What about my home and my homelife reflect the household of Nazareth? What about it does not? How can I help my family enter into the mysteries of the Rosary so that Jesus is at the center of all we do and say?

Media Watchdog Demands Network Coverage of Occupy Wall Street Anti-Semitism

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann

The country’s premier media watchdog has sent letters to all major news outlets demanding that they report on the rampant anti-Semitism that has been repeatedly caught on video at Occupy Wall Street (OWS) events and yet continues to be ignored by the mainstream media.

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