Pope Says Legal Divorce “Demolishing the Family”

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer 

A day before making an impassioned plea for families at the shrine of the Infant of Prague in Czechoslovakia, the Pope discussed the modern crisis of divorce, saying legal divorce seemed “bent on demolishing” the family.

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The Angelic Function and Mission

Today’s post continues our short study on the angels, a perfect week to consider these marvelous and holy creatures of God as we celebrate two feast days in their honor. We will be looking at their function and mission. I encourage you to read my earlier two posts on the angels if you haven’t done so already.  

St. Thomas Aquinas, called the Angelic Doctor because of his theological and philosophical study of the angels, tells us that the hosts of heaven are divided into three hierarchies of angels with three choirs in each hierarchy. The angel’s hierarchy and choir are directly related to his function and his divine office.

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Boy in Bikini Film Distributed to California Schools

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist

A San Francisco media group billing itself as “the best in LGBT media” claims that hundreds of public schools in California have signed up to use its educational materials which include a film featuring a boy who “comes out” by wearing his mother’s bikini.

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Characteristics of the Angels

Happy Feast of the Archangels! Yesterday’s post began a short study on the angels. We discussed who the angels are and who the angels are not. Today we are going to take a look at the characteristics of the angels.

Angels are marked by a number of characteristics that are specific to the angelic. First, no two angels are alike. Each of them is a separate and distinct creation, his own species if you will, and each one of them reflects a separate and distinct attribute of God’s divine perfection — His love, His strength, His goodness. Taken all together, the angels represent the Immensity of God (St. Michael and the Angels, pg. 12).  Read the rest…