Evolutionary Leaders: The Global Elites of the New Age

Did you know that humankind is on the brink of evolving into a whole new species? This Great Change is about to take place and, according to a long list of global New Age elites such as Deepak Chopra and New Thought preachers Michael Beckwith and Gregg Braden, it’s time to get prepared to evolve from homo sapiens to homo universalis.

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Essential Oils Can be Toxic to Pets!

JR writes: “I was listening to Wacky Wednesday on Women of Grace June 19, 2024.
I would be greatly interested if anyone has conducted a survey as to cancer in pets for people who use Essential oils in diffusers. I have known several pet owners who lost their dogs to lung cancer.”

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Walking Barefoot and Essential Oils: Healing or Hype?

ML writes: “Many of my friends, suspicious of modern medicine, are turning to nutritional therapies including essential oils.  I dabbled in the New Age years ago, although the dabbling got me too close to the fire, so to speak.  As my faith life grew, and I began to abandon my New Age philosophies, I began to experience bizarre physical symptoms which I knew were spiritual in origin. Thanks to my wonderful, faithful husband, I got to a priest for deliverance prayer.

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Do Organs Have Emotional Energy?

LB writes: “I have a relative in my family who is a trained physical therapist. I have noticed that she talks about organs “having certain emotional energy” These energies give way to our illnesses in our bodies.  She has even been able to sense that a patient had an abortion years earlier, causing her uterus to retain the trauma inflicted to it.  Many people admire her ability to release this negative energy from her patients.  I worry that this seems very new age. In all other areas of her life she is an outstanding catholic. She has been trained in cranial sacral therapy, holistic healing, too. Any thoughts?”

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Does the Vatican Consider Chiropractics to be New Age?

BS write: “I read your article that stated the Vatican considers Chiropractic new age. You give the history of chiropractic treatment and it’s definitely a concern to me after reading it. Do you really consider Chiropractic dangerous?  My Chiropractor is a practicing Christian and never talks about any energy fields or healing touch which would have definitely been a red flag for me. I have been helped so much by Chiropractic. But want to know if you really think I am playing with the occult.”

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