Is it Okay to Tell Fortunes with Regular Playing Cards?

Someone recently wrote to us asking if it’s okay to use a regular deck of cards to tell futures. This person has friends who are described as being “very devoted Catholics” who attend Mass and pray the rosary every day. They have strong faith, but love to read cards and are surprisingly accurate. Is this wrong?

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How to Break Bonds to the Occult

DB writes: “I know of people who were inadvertently exposed to the pendulum. Once it was discovered what this really was…most “got out”. They renounced it and so on…but I know of some who still feel the physical and spiritual effects. How can they receive help?”

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Demonic Infestations and the Unchurched

KH writes: “I have a friend who is a non church-going Lutheran. Her kids that are living at home, are ages 18, 20, 21. Over the past few years they had talked of seeing shadows, noises etc. My friend and I just thought it was their imagination. But recently in the past year, her boys have said a door that is hard to close in basement has slammed several times, the 21 year old boy has heard voices, and was afraid of schizophrenia. . . .

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Women Spend Thousands on Rage Rituals

Instead of learning how to overcome the inevitable hurts and sorrows of life in a healthy way, women are being encouraged to indulge their inner rage by attending screaming ceremonies where they beat the ground with sticks and shriek at the top of their lungs.

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