The rich and famous in Hollywood have invented their own version of a Girls Night Out which includes manifestation ceremonies, smudging, and tapping into their “third eye.”
Category Archives: Neopaganism
Does the Advent Wreath Have Pre-Christian Roots?
Is Bubble Goth Good for Girls?
A concerned mother called into our radio program this week to express her concerns about Bubble Goth – a pop music style and culture popular among teens that is dark, hyper-sexualized and downright creepy.
What is a “Crystal Child”?
“The New Cosmology” and Environmental Extremism
Exploring the Shamanistic Roots of The Five Agreements
The Lightning Thief
We received a question during one of our radio shows about a novel/movie called The Lightning Thief, and whether or not this is acceptable reading/viewing for Christians.
There’s No Such Thing as a “Twin Flame”
What are New Age Portals?
AE writes: “A friend of ours came to visit us last weekend. Her husband noticed that we had a moon and the sun facing each other (made of clay . . .) hanging on the center of our shed in our back yard. He told me that it is bad. He told me a little bit about the portal. What else are portals? Today, father Ed was talking about portals, but it is not clear to me.”