Testimony from Former Member of the Self-Realization Fellowship

Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952)

We recently received a very candid testimony from a former member of the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF), which is supposedly about acquiring self-realization through yogic control of the mind and body, but members say it’s more like a cult. Thankfully, Our Lord rescued this member from the SRF through faith in the promises of the Miraculous Medal.

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Is it Dangerous to Push Yoga on Catholic Parishioners?

LG asks: “Our church sponsors Yoga classes for women ages 14 and up. I have pointed out to our priest and DRE that yoga is more than stretching and exercise but also leads into certain meditations and sometimes ‘prayer’ and asked them to reconsider the decision to do this. It has been offered for about a year and they are now recommending the book Prayer of the Heart and Body by Thomas Ryan. Do you know anything about this book? Does it refer to prayer, spirituality or any other type of meditation that would be similar?”

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Can Irrigating Your Nostrils Give You “Divine Vision”?

Neti Pot (Image courtesy of Wikicommons Images, Biopresto, CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED)

SP asks: “I would like to know if nasal irrigation is considered new age. I was unable to find much on this, but I did read somewhere that in ancient times a certain people thought nasal irrigation could achieve enlightenment. I believe I suffer from chronic sinus infections, and nasal irrigation is only one recommendation to help ease and relieve the symptoms. I will be seeing my family doctor if I don’t feel better soon, but I would appreciate any information you have on this.”

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Christian Yoga is Syncretism

SA writes: “I am in a dilemma…I have spoken personally to my Parish Priest about my concerns about [Christian] Yoga taking place now 3 times a week in our community hall. Some parishioners attend the yoga sessions. I have prayed for about 3 years to see yoga removed, to no avail… I personally know the dangers of Yoga, having practiced it for about 3 years, but have renounced and confessed my taking part in yoga. Nobody seems to be bothered… Can you please give me some guidance, I do not know what to do now…”

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