FDA Sued for Approving Chemical Abortion Drugs

Photo from Wikicommons Images – by Sarahmirk (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

In the first lawsuit of its kind, four national medical associations and four doctors who work with pregnant and post-abortive women are suing the federal government for illegally approving chemical abortion drugs that harm women and girls.

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Senators Call for New Amendment to Respect for Marriage Act

                                                                                                      Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Just as the U.S. Senate appears to be on the verge of passing the controversial Respect for Marriage Act (RFMA), a group of 12 senators are calling for a delay in the vote until a new amendment can be considered that will ensure religious freedom to those who oppose same-sex marriage.

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Victory for Christian Cake Designer!

                                                                                                Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

A Christian cake designer from Bakersfield, California was awarded a major First Amendment victory when a Superior Court decided she had the right to refuse to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding because it violated her sincerely held religious beliefs.

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Planned Parenthood Rolls Out “RV Abortions”

In spite of a record 500 percent increase in the number of complications related to chemical abortion drugs, Planned Parenthood is planning to open a mobile abortion clinic in southern Illinois where they will dispense abortion pills to women out of a roaming RV where no follow up care is provided.

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Outcry Continues After Arrest of Pro-Life Champion

The FBI and Department of Justice are coming under heavy criticism in the wake of an FBI raid on the home of pro-life activist, Mark Houck, of Kintnersville, Pennsylvania for trumped-up charges while doing nothing about far more serious attacks on Catholic churches and pregnancy care centers perpetrated by pro-abortion activists earlier this summer.

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Big Court Wins for Religious Liberty!

The month of August saw two significant court victories dealing with religious liberty; a case involving a Catholic school employee who was terminated after he entered a same-sex union, and a Catholic health care network that was being forced to perform abortions and gender reassignment surgery against their religious beliefs. In both cases, the courts decided in favor of protecting religious freedom.

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