Evolutionary Leaders: The Global Elites of the New Age

Did you know that humankind is on the brink of evolving into a whole new species? This Great Change is about to take place and, according to a long list of global New Age elites such as Deepak Chopra and New Thought preachers Michael Beckwith and Gregg Braden, it’s time to get prepared to evolve from homo sapiens to homo universalis.

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Study: Altered States More Common Than You Think

A new study has found that a surprising number of people experience altered states of consciousness while practicing yoga, mindfulness, meditation and breathwork, and some of these experiences are very negative.

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Is it Okay to Tell Fortunes with Regular Playing Cards?

Someone recently wrote to us asking if it’s okay to use a regular deck of cards to tell futures. This person has friends who are described as being “very devoted Catholics” who attend Mass and pray the rosary every day. They have strong faith, but love to read cards and are surprisingly accurate. Is this wrong?

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Essential Oils Can be Toxic to Pets!

JR writes: “I was listening to Wacky Wednesday on Women of Grace June 19, 2024.
I would be greatly interested if anyone has conducted a survey as to cancer in pets for people who use Essential oils in diffusers. I have known several pet owners who lost their dogs to lung cancer.”

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New Bill Protects Women and Girls from DeepFake Revenge Porn

One morning in October, 2023, 14-year-old Elliston Berry woke up to find her cell phone flooded with text messages from friends telling her that nude images of her were all over the internet. Knowing she had never posed nude for anyone, where did these images come from and how could this be stopped?

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