Women of Grace LIVE Radio

WGL151015 Women of Grace LIVE

Photo of Johnnette at the microphone while on air in the EWTN studio
Host: Johnnette Benkovic

Would you be able to pray for your enemies? Diane calls in to witness how she was able to pray for an enemy and really turn around the whole situation for the better. What was her secret? Hostess Johnnette Benkovic hosts “Women of Grace” as she welcomes listeners—both men and women—for a mutual encouragement in answering God’s call to our authentic spirituality.

Theresa calls next to stress the importance of ministering through prayer. Are you a quester for God? Johnnette brings up the concept of a “quester” and reflects on the importance of having a zeal for the Lord, just like St. Joan of Arc did. Joseph asks if there are resources to help elderly people in their walk of faith. Callista asks how do we deal with unemployment. How can you discern God’s will in all this? Wait until you hear what Johnnette has to say. Ann calls in for advice on how to deal with a husband who has an anger problem. Lessons for life and lessons for growing in your life of grace are all right here on EWTN Radio’s “Women of Grace.”
October 15, 2015 11:00 am – 11:55 am US/Eastern