
Blog Posts

The Dark Side of Oxford High School Shooter Ethan Crumbley

Oxford High School (Photo courtesy of Wikicommons Images, Adrienne of Oxford, CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED)

According to testimony revealed during the trial of the mother of Oxford High School shooter Ethan Crumbley, the boy was plagued by a “dark side,” had thoughts of violence, heard voices that he couldn’t stop, and believed himself to be the devil.

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So-Called Curse of King Tut was a Colossal Myth

King Tut's sarcophagus. (Image courtesy of Wikicommons Images, D. Denisenkov, CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED)

JK asks: "After reading your blogs on curses, I began to wonder about the famous curse of King Tut and if you believe demons were behind the sudden passage of all those people who died after being involved in the opening of his tomb."

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Is Children's Levitation Game of the Occult?

SM asks: "Now that I'm beginning to learn more about the New Age and the occult, I've become concerned about a children's game we used to play at sleepovers where we used to levitate one another by using just one or two fingers on each hand. The person would lay on the floor and we'd encircle them, everyone with one or two fingers slipped under their body. We'd say some kind of chant and then, on the count of three, lift them into the air. Are you familiar with this game and were we inadvertently consorting with occult powers when performing this trick?"

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What’s a Familiar Spirit?

We recently heard from a woman who went for testing at a local hospital for heart issues. While there, she told the technician about having recently lost her beloved dog. The tech responded by saying that this dog was her “familiar”, meaning a spirit being that was attached to her soul. Is there any such thing as a familiar spirit and, if so, what is it?

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Ghost Buster Equipment: What it Is, and What it’s Not

BB writes: “I sometimes watch shows about hauntings and I always wondered about the equipment ghostbusters use to detect the presence of spirits. What is this stuff, and does it really work?”

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Don't Invite These "Angels" Into Your Home!

One of our readers was kind enough to send us an e-mail she received which offered her an opportunity to invite three "angels" into her life for five days. Believe it or not, people are actually falling for this and going through all the prescribed rituals to allow these unnamed spirits into their lives! Here's why that's not a good idea.

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Is it True that Satanic Messages Can be Hidden in Rock Music?

MH asks: "I did a search on google for the record labels owned by Wiccans to promote Satanism.  I came across this website that gives some examples of backmasking.  It has backward lyrics of songs with satanic messages.  I was wondering if this is true or if someone just made it up.  I do not know how play a record backwards myself and do not know the website as a trustworthy source.  Do you know if these backward lyrics are accurate or a trustworthy source to look to?"

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Pagan Chieftess “Prays” With Participants at World Economic Forum

Davos Congress Center in Davos, Switzerland (WEF - CC BY SA 4.0 DEED)

Last week’s meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos created quite a controversy around the world when an Amazonian Chieftess was permitted to lead participants in a shamanic ritual, which prompted some to ask, “What spirit governs Davos?”

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